2016. 12

Nocturia Increases the Incidence of Depressive Symptoms: A Longitudinal Study of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Annual Meeting of Nara Prefecture Society of Public Health 2016
Obayashi K , Saeki K , Kurumatani N

2016. 12

Nighttime Intermittent Hypoxia, Sleep Quality, and Metabolic Syndrome
Annual Meeting of Nara Prefecture Society of Public Health 2016
Saeki K , Obayashi K , Nakaya Y , Kurumatani N

2016. 12

Associations between Nocturia and Biological Rhythm-Related Diseases: Findings from the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Continence Society
Obayashi K

2016. 10

Objective Sleep Quality and Nighttime Blood Pressure in Elderly Individuals: A Cross-Sectional Study of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Chronobiology 2016
Oume M , Obayashi K , Saeki K , Asai Y , Ogura M , Takeuchi K , Kurumatani N

2016. 10

Cross-Sectional Association Between Daytime Wrist Temperature and Obesity: The HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Chronobiology 2016
Saeki K , Obayashi K , Kurumatani N

2016. 10

Inverse Association between Daytime Physical Activity and Nighttime Blood Pressure: The HEIJO-KYO Study
Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Chronobiology 2016
Ogura M , Saeki K , Obayashi K , Asai Y , Oume N , Takeuchi K , Kurumatani N

2016. 10

Association between Room Temperature and Abdominal Circumference in Winter: Cross-Sectional Analysisi of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health 2016
Saeki K , Obayashi K , Sakai T , Kurumatani N

2016. 09

Cataract Surgery and Cognitive Function: Epidemiological Evidence from the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Miyata K, Obayashi K, Saeki K, Nishi T, Ueda T, Yoshikawa T, Kurumatani N, Ogata N
Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Eye Research 2016年9月

2016. 09

Bodily Pain, Social Support, Depression Symptoms and Stroke History are Independently Associated with Sleep Disturbance among the Elderly: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Fujiwara-kyo Study
Kishimoto Y , Okamoto N , Saeki K , Tomioka K , Obayashi K , Komatsu M , Kurumatani N
Environ Health Prev Med 21(5) 295-303 Sep, 2016

2016. 09

Ambient Light Exposure and Changes in Obesity Parameters: A Longitudinal Study of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Obayashi K* , Saeki K , Kurumatani N
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 101(9) 3539-3547 Sep, 2016