2017. 06

Gender Differences in the Association between Serum Asymmetric Dimethylarginine, Chronic Kidney Disease, and Quality of Objective/Subjective Sleep: The HEIJO-KYO Cohort
SLEEP 2017
大林賢史 , 佐伯圭吾 , 車谷典男

2017. 05

Relationship between Breakfast Skipping and Obesity among Elderly: Cross-Sectional Analysis of the HEIJO-KYO Study
N. Otaki , K. Obayashi , Keigo Saeki , M. Kitagawa , N. Tone , N. Kurumatani
J Nutr Health Aging 21(5) 501-504 May, 2017

2017. 04

Nocturia, Biological Rhythms, and Systemic Diseases : Findings from epidemiological studies
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Urological Association
Obayashi K

2017. 03

Lighting Environment and Circadian Disruptions: Evidence from Epidemiological studies
Meeting for the Study Group on Occupational Epidemiology
Obayashi K

2017. 03

Relationship between Daily Light Exposure Profiles and Circadian Biological Rhythmicity
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Hygiene(Symposium)
Obayashi K

2017. 03

Lighting Environment and Health Outcomes: Findings from the HEIJO-KYO Study
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Hygiene(Symposium)
Obayashi K

2017. 01

Association between Breakfast Skipping and Depressive Symptoms in the General Elderly population: Cross-Sectional Analysis of the HEIJO-KYO Stu
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association 2017
Tai Y , Obayashi K , Saeki K , Kurumatani N

2017. 01

Decreased Sleep Quality in Elderly Females with CKD and Elevated ADMA Levels: The HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association 2017
Obayashi K , Saeki K , Kurumatani N

2016. 12

A Cross-Sectional Association between Indoor Cold Exposure and Prevalence of Obesity: The HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Annual Meeting of thr Society of Indoor Environment 2016
Saeki K , Obayashi K , Tone N , Takamiya S , Kurumatani N

2016. 12

Association of Short-Wavelength Light Exposure at Night with Melatonin secretion and Sleep Quality: Cross-Sectional Analysis of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Annual Meeting of thr Society of Indoor Environment 2016
Obayashi K , Saeki K , Tone N , Suzuki S , Takamiya S , Kurumatani N