2022. 06

Longitudinal Association between Passive Body Heating and Objective Sleep Parameters: Modification by Outdoor Temperature
Tai Y , Obayashi K , Yamagami Y , Saeki K
Annual Metting of Japanese Scosiety of Sleep Research 2022 Jun, 2022

2022. 06

Effect of Depression on the Association between Colder Indoor Temperature and Higher Blood Pressure
Okumura K , Obayashi K , Tai Y , Yamagami Y , Saeki K
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology 2022 Jun, 2022

2022. 06

Association between Circadian Activity Rhythms and Mood Episode Relapse in Bipolar disorder: Results from A Prospective Cohort Study
Esaki Y , Obayashi K , Saeki K , Fujita K , Iwata N , Kitajima T
Anual Conference of the International Conference of Psychiatry and Neurosciences 2022 Jun, 2022

2022. 06

Comparison of Objective and Subjective Sleep Parameters in Patients with Bipolar Disorder in Both Euthymic and Symptomatic Periods
Fujita A , Esaki Y , Obayashi K , Saeki K , Fujita K , Iwata N , Kitajima T
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology 2022 Jun, 2022

2022. 04

Sleep Quality and Mental Health of Mothers of Children with Disabilities Who Require Oxygen Therapy and Night Care at Home
Sasai S, Bando H, Obayashi K, Yamagami Y, Saeki K, Jojima N
Japanese Journal of Public Health, 69(4) 262-272, Apr, 2022

2022. 04

Association between Glaucoma Severity and PIPR: The LIGHT Study
Miyata K , Yoshikawa T , Obayashi K , Jimura H , Saeki K , Ogata N
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society 2022 Apr, 2022

2022. 03

Association between Post-Illumination Pupil Response and Glaucoma Severity: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the LIGHT Study
Yoshikawa T, Obayashi K, Miyata K, Saeki K, Ogata N
Invest Ophth Vis Sci, 63(3) 24, Mar, 2022

2022. 03
Books and other publications

メディカルビューポイント 2022年3月号(Vol.43 No.3)
大林賢史 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:日本人の睡眠事情と課題)
医事出版社 Mar, 2022

2022. 02

Short-Wavelength Light Exposure at Night and Sleep Disturbances Accompanied by Decreased Melatonin Secretion in Real-Life Settings: A Cross-Sectional Study of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Mitsui K, Saeki K, Tone N, Suzuki S, Takamiya S, Tai Y, Yamagami Y, Obayashi K*
Sleep Med, 90(2) 192-198, Feb, 2022

2022. 02

Association between Passive Body Heating by Hot Water Bathing before Bedtime and Depressive Symptoms Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Tai Y, Obayashi K, Yamagami Y, Kurumatani N, Saeki K
Am J Geriat Psychiat, 30(2) 161-170, Feb, 2022