2015. 11

Physiological Levels of Melatonin Relate to Cognitive Function and Depressive Symptoms: The HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health 2015
Obayashi K , Saeki K , Iwamoto J , Tone N , Kurumatani N

2015. 11

Association between Daytime Indoor Cold Exposure and Nocturia: The HEIJO-KYO Study
Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health 2015
Saeki K , Obayashi K , Iwamoto J , Sakai T , Kurumatani N

2015. 10

A Warmer Indoor Environment in the Evening and Shorter Sleep Onset Latency in Winter: The HEIJO-KYO Study
Saeki K , Obayashi K , Tone N , Kurumatani N
Physiol Behav 149(10) 29-34 Oct, 2015

2015. 10
Books and other publications

Geriatric Medicine(老年医学)2015年10月号(Vol.53 No.10)
大林賢史, 佐伯圭吾 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:高齢者の睡眠問題を引き起こす生活環境要因) ライフ・サイエンス Oct, 2015

2015. 10

Short-term Effectiveness of Instruction for Home-Heating in Winter on Indoor Temperature and Blood Pressure Among Elderly: A Randomised Controlled Trial
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hypertension 2015
Saeki K , Obayashi K

2015. 08

Physiological Levels of Melatonin Relate to Cognitive Function and Depressive Symptoms: The HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Obayashi K* , Saeki K , Iwamoto J , Tone N , Tanaka K , Kataoka H , Morikawa M , Kurumatani N
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 100(8) 3090-3096 Aug, 2015

2015. 08

Comparisons of Objective Sleep Quality between Elderly Individuals With and Without Cataract Surgery: A Cross-Sectional Study of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Obayashi K* , Saeki K , Miyata K , Nishi T , Tone N , Ogata N , Kurumatani N
J Epidemiol 25(8) 529-535 Aug, 2015

2015. 07

Wrist Skin Temperature and Objective Sleep Quality: A Cross-Sectional Study of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Annual Metting of Japanese Scosiety of Sleep Research 2015
Saeki K , Obayashi K , Tone N , Kurumatani N

2015. 07

Objective Sleep Quality Relates to Leukocyte Count in the General Elderly Population: Quantitative Analysis in the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Annual Metting of Japanese Scosiety of Sleep Research 2015
Obayashi K , Saeki K , Tone N , Kurumatani N

2015. 07

Association between Cataract Surgery and Cognitive Function Independent of Objective Sleep Quality: A Cross-Sectional Study of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Annual Metting of Japanese Scosiety of Sleep Research 2015
Miyata K , Obayashi K , Saeki K , Tone N , Kurumatani N , Ogata N