2019. 02

Indoor and Outdoor Teperature in Real-Life Settings
Saeki K , Yamagami Y , Kurumatani N , Obayashi K
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Hygiene 2019 Feb, 2019

2019. 01
Books and other publications

実験医学 2019年2月号(Vol.37 No.3)
大林賢史 (監修:八木田和弘) (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:リアル・ワールドの光曝露とその健康影響:疫学研究からの知見)
羊土社 2019年1月

2019. 01

Bedroom Light Exposure and the Progression of Carotid Athrosclerosis: Longitudinal Analysis of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Obayashi K , Yamagami Y , Tatsumi S , Kurumatani N , Saeki K
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association 2019 Jan, 2019

2019. 01

Hospitalization at Window Beds and the Incidence of In-Hospital Fall: A Historical Cohort Study
Iwamoto J , Saeki K , Kobayashi M , Kotsuji T , Matsui R , Yamagami Y , Yoshida O , Kurumatani N , Obayashi K
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association 2019 Jan, 2019

2019. 01

Association between Physical Activity Levels and Nighttime BP: Cross-Sectional Analysis of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Yamagami Y , Saeki K , Iwamoto J , Kurumatani N , Obayashi K
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association 2019 Jan, 2019

2019. 01

Association between Bedroom Temperature and Objective Sleep in the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Saeki K , Yamagami Y , Tai Y , Komatsu M , Ishizuka R , Nezu S , Kurumatani N , Obayashi K
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association 2019 Jan, 2019

2018. 12

Farming Habit, Light Exposure, Physical Activity, and Depressive Symptoms: A Cross-Sectional Study of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Asai Y , Obayashi K , Oume M , Ogura M , Takeuchi K , Yamagami Y , Tai Y , Kurumatani N , Saeki K
J Affect Disord 241(12) 235-240 Dec, 2018

2018. 11

Association between Nighttime Indoor Noise Levels and Sleep Quality: Cross-Sectional Analysis of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Yamagami Y , Saeki K , Kurumatani N , Obayashi K
Annual Meeting of Nara Prefecture Society of Public Health 2018 Nov, 2018

2018. 11

Nighttime Blood Pressure and Subclinical Atheroscrelosis: Cross-Sectional Analysis of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Annual Meeting of the Nara Prefecture Public Health Association 2018
Yamaguchi T , Saeki K , Yamagami Y , Kurumatani N , Obayashi

2018. 11

Prevention for Fraiity to exercise in older people
Maegawa T , Obayashi K , Yamagami Y , Urano Y , Nakaya Y , Kurumatani N , Saeki K
Annual Meeting of the Nara Prefecture Public Health Association 2018 Nov, 2018