2014. 08

Relationship between Indoor, Outdoor, and Ambient Temperatures and Morning BP Surges from Inter-Seasonally Repeated Measurements
Saeki K, Obayashi K, Iwamoto J, Tone N, Okamoto N, Tomioka K, Kurumatani K
J Hum Hypertens, 28(8) 482-488, Aug, 2014

2014. 06

Association between Light Exposure at Night and Nighttime Blood Pressure in the Elderly Independent of Nocturnal Urinary Melatonin Excretion
Obayashi K*, Saeki K, Iwamoto J, Ikada Y, Kurumatani N
Chronobiol Int, 31(6) 779-786, Jun, 2014

2014. 06

Association between Melatonin Secretion and Nocturia in Elderly Individuals: A Cross-Sectional Study of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Obayashi K*, Saeki K, Kurumatani N
J Urol, 191(6) 1816-1821, Jun, 2014

2014. 05

Effect of Exposure to Evening Light on Sleep Initiation in the Elderly: A Longitudinal Analysis for Repeated Measurements in Home Settings
Obayashi K*, Saeki K, Iwamoto J, Okamoto N, Tomioka K, Nezu S, Ikada Y, Kurumatani N
Chronobiol Int, 31(4) 461-467, May, 2014

2014. 04

Independent Associations of Exposure to Evening Light and Nocturnal Urinary Melatonin Excretion with Diabetes in the Elderly
Obayashi K*, Saeki K, Iwamoto J, Ikada Y, Kurumatani N
Chronobiol Int, 31(3) 394-400, Apr, 2014

2014. 04

Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) Decreases Independently of Chronic Conditions and Geriatric Syndromes in Older Adults with Diabetes: the Fujiwara-kyo Study
Nezu S, Okamoto N, Morikawa M, Saeki K, Obayashi K, Tomioka K, Komatsu M, Iwamoto J, Kurumatani N
J Epidemiol, 24(4) 259-266, Apr, 2014

2013. 10

Exposure to Light at Night and Risk of Depression in the Elderly
Obayashi K*, Saeki K, Iwamoto J, Ikada Y, Kurumatani N
J Affect Disord, 151(1) 331-336, Oct, 2013

2013. 08

Nocturnal Urinary Melatonin Excretion is Associated with Non-dipper Pattern in Elderly Hypertensives
Obayashi K*, Saeki K, Iwamoto J, Ikada Y, Kurumatani N
J Affect Disord, 151(1) 331-336, Oct, 2013

2013. 06

Influence of Room Heating on Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Winter: A Randomised Controlled Study
Saeki K, Obayashi K, Iwamoto J, Tanaka Y, Tanaka N, Takata S, Kubo H, Okamoto N, Tomioka K, Kurumatani N
J Epidemiol Community Health, 67(6) 484-490, Jun, 2013

2013. 01

Exposure to Light at Night, Nocturnal Urinary Melatonin Excretion, and Obesity/Dyslipidemia in the Elderly: A Cross-sectional Analysis of the HEIJO-KYO Study
Obayashi K*, Saeki K, Iwamoto J, Okamoto N, Tomioka K, Nezu S, Ikada Y, Kurumatani N
J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 98(1) 337-344, Jan, 2013