2020. 11

Melatonin Secretion in Patients with Parkinson's Disease Receiving Different-Dose Levodopa Therapy
Kataoka H, Saeki K, Kurumatani N, Sugie K, Obayashi K*
Sleep Med 75 309-314 Nov, 2020

2020. 09

Greater Exposure to Short-Wavelength Light at Night in Elderly Individuals with Nocturia: The HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Mitsui K , Saeki K , Tone N , Suzuki S , Takamiya S , Tai Y , Yamagami Y , Obayashi K
Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Chronobiology 2020 Sep, 2020

2020. 09

Current Medical Evidence for Lighting Environment and Health Outcomes
Obayashi K
All Japan Lighting Laboratory (Seminar)

2020. 09

Breakfast Skipping and Cognitive Decline in Community- Dwelling Older Adults: A Longitudinal Study of the HEIJOKYO Cohort
Ishizuka R , Otaki N , Yamagami Y , Tanaka K , Morikawa M , Iki M , Kurumatani N , Saeki K , Obayashi K
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics 2020 Sep, 2020

2020. 08

Development and Validation of Nutrient Estimates Based on A Food-Photographic Record in Japan
Saeki K , Otaki N , Kitagawa M , Tone N , Ishizuka R , Takachi R , Kurumatani N , Obayashi K
Nutr J 19(1) 104 Aug, 2020

2020. 08

Daytime Light Exposure in Daily Life and Depressive Symptoms in Bipolar Disorder: Cross-Sectional Analysis in the APPLE Cohort
Esaki Y , Obayashi K , Saeki K , Fujita K , Iwata N , Kitajima T
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology 2020 Aug, 2020

2020. 06

Association between Light Exposure at Night and Manic Symptoms in Bipolar Disorder: Cross-Sectional Analysis in the APPLE Cohort
Esaki Y, Obayashi K, Saeki K, Fujita K, Iwata N, Kitajima T
Chronobiol Int. 37(6) 887-896 Jun, 2020

2020. 06
Media coverage

日経新聞 Jun, 2020

2020. 06
Media coverage

京セラ株式会社 2020年6月

2020. 05

Decreased Melatonin Secretion in Patients with Glaucoma: Quantitative Association with Glaucoma Severity in the LIGHT Study
Yoshikawa T , Obayashi K , Miyata K , Saeki K , Ogata N
J Pineal Res 69(2) e12662 May, 2020