2019. 06

Glaucomatous Optic Disc and Changes in Sleep Quality in Elderly Individuals: the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Miyata K , Obayashi K , Yoshikawa T , Yamagami Y , Ueda T , Kurumatani N , Saeki K , Ogata N
Annual Metting of Japanese Scosiety of Sleep Research 2019 Jun, 2019

2019. 06

Inverse Association between Objective Sleep Quality and Early Morning Akinesia in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: Cross-Sectional Analysis of the PHASE Study
Kataoka H , Saeki K , Yamagami Y , Sugie K , Obayashi K
World Parkinson Congress 2019 Jun, 2019

2019. 05

Effect of Bathing on Nighttime Blood Pressure among Elderly: Longitudinal Analysis of Repeated Measurements in the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Tai Y , Obayashi K , Yoshimoto K , Nishio K , Saeki K
WONCA Asia Pacific Region Conference 2019 May, 2019

2019. 04

Association between Galucoma Stage and Cognitive Function
Yoshikawa T , Obayashi K , Miyata K , Saeki K , Ogata N
Annual Meeting of the Japapnese Ophthalmological Society 2019 Apr, 2019

2019. 03

Clinical Implications of Measuring Core Body Temperature
Obayashi K
Consottium for Evidence-based Health & Wellness Services (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) Mar, 2019

2019. 03

Lighting Environments and Health Problems
Obayashi K
IALD Enlighten Asia 2019 Mar, 2019

2019. 02

Circadian Light Exposure Rhythm in Human
Obayashi K , Yamagami Y , Kurumatani N , Saeki K
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Hygiene 2019 Feb, 2019

2019. 02

Indoor and Outdoor Teperature in Real-Life Settings
Saeki K , Yamagami Y , Kurumatani N , Obayashi K
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Hygiene 2019 Feb, 2019

2019. 01

Bedroom Light Exposure and the Progression of Carotid Athrosclerosis: Longitudinal Analysis of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Obayashi K , Yamagami Y , Tatsumi S , Kurumatani N , Saeki K
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association 2019 Jan, 2019

2019. 01

Hospitalization at Window Beds and the Incidence of In-Hospital Fall: A Historical Cohort Study
Iwamoto J , Saeki K , Kobayashi M , Kotsuji T , Matsui R , Yamagami Y , Yoshida O , Kurumatani N , Obayashi K
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association 2019 Jan, 2019