2020. 04

Effects of Cataract Surgery on Melatonin Secretion in Adults 60 Years and Older: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Nishi T, Saeki K*, Miyata K, Yoshikawa T, Ueda T, Kurumatani N, Obayashi K, Ogata N.
JAMA Ophthalmol. 138(4) 405-411 Apr, 2020

2020. 04

Objective Sleep Measures between Patients with Parkinson’s Disease and Community-Based Older Adults
Kataoka H , Saeki K , Kurumatani N , Sugie K , Obayashi K*
Sleep Med 68 110-114 Apr, 2020

2020. 04

Lower Incidence of In-Hospital Falls in Patients Hospitalised in Window Beds than Non-Window Beds
Iwamoto J , Saeki K , Kobayashi M , Yamagami Y , Yoshida O , Kurumatani N , Obayashi K*
J Am Med Dir Assoc 21(4) 476-480 Apr, 2020

2020. 03

Response to Commentary: Does Before Bedtime Body Warming by Bathing or Other Means Attenuate Sleep-Time Arterial Blood Pressure?
Tai Y , Saeki K , Obayashi K*
Chronobiol Int 37(5) 723-725 2020年3月

2020. 02

Assessment of Self-/Parent-Reported Quality of Life in Japanese Children with Hemophilia using the Japanese Version of KIDSCREEN-52.
Furuichi Y, Nogami K, Yada K, Nezu S, Obayashi K, Saeki K, Kurumatani N, Nakajima M, Kinoshita S, Shima M
Haemophilia 26(2) 243-250 Feb, 2020

2020. 01

Quantitative Associations between Objective Sleep Measures and Early-Morning Mobility in Parkinson’s Disease: Cross-Sectional Analysis of the PHASE Study
Kataoka H , Saeki K , Yamagami Y , Sugie K , Obayashi K*
SLEEP 43(1) Jan, 2020

2020. 01

Bedroom Lighting Environment and Incident Diabetes Mellitus: A Longitudinal Study of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Obayashi K* , Yamagami Y , Kurumatani N , Saeki K
Sleep Med 65 1-3 Jan, 2020

2019. 12

Association between Timing of Hot Water Bathing before Bedtime and Night-/Sleep-Time Blood Pressure and Dipping in the Elderly: A Longitudinal Analysis for Repeated Measurements in Home Settings
Tai Y , Saeki K , Yamagami Y , Yoshimoto K , Kurumatani N , Nishio K , Obayashi K*
Chronobiol Int 36(12) 1714-1722 Dec, 2019

2019. 12

The Interaction Effect between Physical and Cultural Leisure Activity on the Subsequent Decline of Instrumental ADL: The Fujiwara-kyo Study
Komatsu M , Obayashi K , Tomioka K , Morikawa M , Jojima N , Okamoto N , Kurumatani N , Saeki K
Environ Health Prev Med 24(1) 71 Dec, 2019

2019. 12

Indoor Light Pollution and Progression of Carotid Atherosclerosis: A Longitudinal Study of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Obayashi K* , Yamagami Y , Tatsumi S , Kurumatani N , Saeki K
Environ Int 133 105184 Dec, 2019