2022. 01

Effect of Nighttime Bedroom Light Exposure on Mood Episode Relapses in Bipolar Disorder
Esaki Y, Obayashi K, Saeki K, Fujita K, Iwata N, Kitajima T
Acta Psychiat Scand, 146(1) 64-73, Jan, 2022

2021. 12

Comparison of Objective and Subjective Sleep Parameters in Patients with Bipolar Disorder in Both Euthymic and Residual Symptomatic Periods
Fujita A, Esaki Y, Obayashi K, Saeki K, Fujita K, Iwata N, Kitajima T
J Psychiatr Res, 145(12) 190-196, Dec, 2021

2021. 10

Association between Circadian Activity Rhythms and Mood Episode Relapse in Bipolar Disorder: A 12-month Prospective Cohort Study
Esaki Y, Obayashi K, Saeki K, Fujita K, Iwata N, Kitajima T
Transl Psychiatry, 11(1) 525, Oct, 2021

2021. 10

Lower Cognitive Function in Patients with Functionally and Structurally Severe Glaucoma: the LIGHT Study
Yoshikawa T, Obayashi K, Miyata K, Saeki K, Ogata N
J Glaucoma, 30(10) 882-886, Oct, 2021

2021. 09

Circadian Activity Rhythm in Parkinson's Disease: Findings from the PHASE Study
Obayashi K*, Saeki K, Yamagami Y, Kurumatani N, Sugie K, Kataoka H
Sleep Med, 85(9) 8-14, Sep, 2021

2021. 06

Hot Water Bathing before Bedtime and Shorter Sleep Onset Latency is Accompanied by a Higher Distal-Proximal Skin Temperature Gradient in Older Adults
Tai Y, Obayashi K, Yamagami Y, Yoshimoto K, Kurumatani N, Nishio K, Saeki K
J Clin Sleep Med, 17(6) 1257-1266, Jun, 2021

2021. 04

Association between the Asymmetric Dimethylarginine Levels and Glaucoma Severity: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the LIGHT Study
Yoshikawa T, Obayashi K, Miyata K, Saeki K, Ogata N
Invest Ophth Vis Sci, 62(4) 7, Apr, 2021

2021. 04

Preventive Effect of Morning Light Exposure on Relapse of Depressive Episode in Bipolar Disorder
Esaki Y, Obayashi K, Saeki K, Fujita K, Iwata N, Kitajima T
Acta Psychiat Scand, 143(4) 328-338, Apr, 2021

2021. 04

Changes in Skin Perfusion Pressure after Endovascular Treatment for Chronic Limb-threatening Ischemia
Ichihashi S, Takahashi M, Fujimura N, Shibata T, Fuji M, Katoh T, Iwakoshi S, Obayashi K, Kichikawa K
J Endovasc Ther, 28(2) 208-214, Apr, 2021

2021. 03

Effect of Evening Light Exposure on Sleep in Bipolar Disorder: A Longitudinal Analysis for Repeated Measures in the APPLE Cohort
Esaki Y , Obayashi K , Saeki K , Fujita K , Iwata N , Kitajima T
Aust NZ Psych 55(3) 305-313 Mar, 2021