2018. 03

Physiological Melatonin Levels Relate to Diabetes in Elderly Males but not in Females: The HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Obayashi K , Kurumatani N , Saeki K
ENDO 2018 Mar, 2018

2018. 02

A Prospective Cohort Study on Daily Light Exposure and Circadian Biological Rhythmicity
Obayashi K
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association 2018 Feb, 2018

2018. 02

Effect of Bathing on BP Variability in Elderly Individuals: The HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Tai Y , Obayashi K , Sakon I , Yoshimoto K , Kurumatani N , Nishio K , Saeki K
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association 2018 Feb, 2018

2018. 02

Association between Indoor Cold Exposure and Prevalence of Diabetes: Cross-Sectional Study of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Saeki K , Obayashi K , Tai Y , Iwamoto J , Ishizuka R , Nezu S , Komatsu M , Kurumatani N
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association 2018 Feb, 2018

2018. 01

Light Exposure and Helth Outcomes Under Real-Life Situations
Obayashi K
Meeting of the Ophthalmic Epidemiology Jan, 2018

2017. 11

Lighting Environment and Health Problems: Findings from the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Symposium on the Lighting Enviroment Committee of the Architectural Institute of Japan
Obayashi K

2017. 10

Association between Nocturnal Void Frequency and Objective Sleep Quality in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Chronobiology 2017
Obayashi K , Kataoka H , Saeki K

2017. 10

Relationship between Chronotypes and Light Exposure in Elderly Individuals: Cross-Sectional Analysis in the HEIJO-KYO Cohort
Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Chronobiology 2017
Tatsumi S , Obayashi K , Iwamoto J , Kurumatani N , Saeki K

2017. 10

Comparison of Actigraphic Sleep between Early and Late Stage Parkinson’s Disease Patients
Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Chronobiology 20
Saeki K , Kataoka H , Obayashi K

2017. 10

Relationship between Depressive Symptoms and Morning Blood Pressure Surge among elderly: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the HEIJO-KYO Study
Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Chronobiology 2017
Okumura K , Obayashi K , Kurumatani N , Saeki K